Friday, February 27, 2009

War in Iraq

The war in Iraq has been active ever since the Bush administration and now that Obama has won the presidency the new administration is hoping to end the war. The war has made no accomplishments since the citizens of Iraq in no way defend themselves or take control of a democracy. The author that wrote this article is writing that Obama promised the American people that he would end the war in Iraq. Now that the time has come the new administration plans to keep that promise although there will be zero accomplishments from starting the war in the beginning. The author does a great job when explaining that the war in Iraq was a much more drawn out problem then anyone anticipated. He explains how former President Bush said the war was accomplished and all tasks were achieved in the year 2003. This address that George Bush made was far from the truth because even though Obama is going to withdraw troops it will not happen until 2011 by a set deadline. President Obama will still have to leave a number of troops in Iraq to finish the job. These troops will have to stay to help with efforts against terrorism and freedom. The author explains how this was never an action that any person who became president would be able to accomplish with sudden action. I think the author did a particularly unbiased approach to both administrations and the writer seems to explain that Obama is planning to finish the war In Iraq but finish in a way that has some sense of accomplishment. The author probably agrees with Obama because he has reasonable deadlines and does not just tell Americans that we have accomplished our mission in the war. I think the author wrote an interesting article and most likely an article that most of the country is concerned with at this place in time because this war has been too long. I think he took an unbiased approach but usually all news writers have some bias writing in their nature.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Economic Stimulus

The United States legislature passed the Economic Stimulus Bill the plan that consists of putting seven hundred and eighty seven billion dollars into the American economy. The only way for the bill to be passed is if three Republican Senators vote to approve the plan. The Senate is very much relying on the Senators to have the bill passed because they are sure the plan will boost the economy. The plan includes funds to boost the economy and a way to create more jobs for Americans. President Bush had created a similar plan for the economy although his plan was a third of the size as this new package. President Obama states this plan will create three and a half million jobs for workers. This new plan is like Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal during the Great Depression but has been much more revised with no or very few errors. The Stimulus is going to create taxes but middle-class Americans should be safe and the taxes are intended for the very wealthy citizens in this country. The Republicans are weary of the plan because of the great rush that was put into preparing the bill. The Republicans are also stating that the bill could raise taxes because we are spending a great deal of money and the government has already helped banks and the auto industry.
This article is very interesting to read if you want to be kept up to date on the economy and what our government is doing to help the situation. If you get a chance look at the article in the Wall Street Journal.